If there is no sense of the sacred, life is dull, monotonous and threatening. Look all around you for proof of this.

How far have we sunk to reduce everything in life to that which is quantifiable and measurable? To that which we can obtain and control?

I don’t know about you, but I think that the most wonderful part of life is the mystery.


If you thought of everything as sacred, that would mean that I was sacred. And you would treat me with the respect and reverence due. And if I thought of everything as sacred, that would mean that you were sacred. And I would treat you with the respect and reverence due.

Thus it is in our own best interests to conceive of everything as, indeed, sacred.


Okay, so if every thing is scared, what happens when someone murders or rapes another person? Is that sacred?

And what about war? Is that sacred?

There are two ways of answering this.

First of all, if everyone thought of every thing as being sacred, there would be no murder, rape or war.

And, secondly, in seeing, very clearly, what isn’t sacred, one has the greatest opportunity to choose what is sacred.

And to be it. And to live it.

And to get as many other people as possible to choose to be it. And to live it.

So, yes, everything is sacred.

© Phillip A. Klein March 2008

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