The only thing that I can be absolutely, 100% certain of is that, at this moment, I exist. Everything else is conjecture and hypothesis.


If you take life one moment at a time, whatever doubts you may have are far more manageable than if you focus on everything that could possibly go wrong in the future.


If you are following your true purpose in life, whatever doubts or uncertainties you have, will scarcely appear on your radar. If you know where you are going in life you can be sure that you will be sure.

The trouble is that people will follow a path – any path – because they are looking for certainty and security. “So that is what is going to happen in the After Life! How very reassuring …”

But if that is so, ask yourself, “Why do I need to be reassured about life? Why do I need to be certain?”

Given that life is uncertain, because we can never be completely sure what will happen next – let alone a week or a month from now – if you need certainty and security, all that will show up on the path is how afraid of life you are – such that you want to control it as much as you can. If you can be certain of anything, that is it.

The path doesn’t lead to certainty. Certainty leads to the path.

© Phillip A. Klein March 2008

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