If you see conflict in the world, it is because there is conflict inside you. Get to work there.


The more conflicted you are in life, the more obstacles and barriers you will have. The purpose of these obstacles and barriers is to show how powerful you are in overcoming them.

Any time you resolve a conflict within yourself, that is a sweet feeling.

As is letting go of the notion that you have any conflicts to resolve.

The sweetest feeling comes from the recognition that you can just be, as you are and as you aren’t. That there is nothing wrong and nothing to fix. That is just as powerful.


I can guarantee that, as you are reading this, some of you will be thinking, “That is wrong!” And I’m sure you could tell me precisely why it is wrong, and how I should change it. Why? Because you are so addicted to fixing and changing stuff. To trying to make it better.

Perhaps, rather than proving me wrong, you should address why you need to make things better.

Because you think that if it is better … you will feel better.

Even though, you have tried this many, many times, and you don’t really feel any better as a result of it.

Address this source of inner conflict, my friends, address this.

© Phillip A. Klein March 2008

Published in: on March 13, 2008 at 5:02 pm  Leave a Comment