The more you chase after happiness the more you chase it away; the more frustrated you will be; the more unhappy you are.

Choose again.


Happiness is when you recognise that you want for nothing and that you lack nothing. That you have everything that you could possibly want.

Those moments of my life when I have been truly happy have been when I have let go, truly and fully, of the need for things to be any different from how they actually are.

But, in any case, can it be sane to reject the moment? To say to it, “Sorry, pal, you aren’t dressed for this properly”?

Can it be sane to think that life, as it presents itself, should somehow be different? When it can only be as it is right now?


The key to happiness is this: find a purpose that inspires and elevates you and you cannot go wrong.

© Phillip A. Klein March 2008

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